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Reminder: Earth Day Is Every Day 🌎

Happy Earth Day Twisters! 😎

While Earth Day is every day, we love taking all the opportunities we can get to talk about sustainable practices we can collectively implement in our daily lives.

For many of us, 2020 was a huge wake up call for lifestyle changes and if there was ever a time to try harder to care for Mother Earth, the time is now.

Here are a few ways you can take better care of the planet we all share:

1. Be Mindful of Paper & Paper Products You Use for Work

Each year in the United States alone, approximately 68 million trees are cut down and used for paper. Whether you work for yourself or for a Company, there are ways to be mindful about paper usage. In both scenarios, having recycling measures in place will make it easier for people to participate in recycling. Make sure the bin is labeled correctly to make it an easy process. If your office can afford to go paperless, even better.

Additionally, methods in the office, such as unplugging electrical equipment when not in use or using motion light switches can significantly help to save energy.

2. It's Never Too Late To Invest In A Water Bottle

This one speaks for itself. Are you still purchasing plastic water bottles?

Not only is it cheaper to use a reusable water bottle, it's an act of kindness to the planet. It can also help you to consume more water on a daily basis. There are hourly water bottles, as large as ever and they're all so stylish these days! If you work in an office, most offices provide water so refill as often as you need to at work. If your office provides the staff with plastic water bottles, maybe it's time to urge management to consider an alternative option.

3. Always Store A Tote Bag In Your Daily Travel Bag or Car

Tote bags are great replacements for plastic and paper bags. These can come in very handy at checkout. Instead of using a plastic/paper bag, having your tote handy will save you a few cents and save the planet from unnecessary plastic and paper waste.

4. Get Serious About How You Use Energy

Most people still get their electricity from power plants. Power plants use fossil fuels, which release toxic fumes in the environment. Thus, consuming less power helps with the air quality and the eco systems that depend on it. There are a few things you can do to help. You can practice air drying your clothes, turning lights off when not in use, unplugging electronic devices, turning down your heat, using LED lightbulbs or if possible, investing in solar energy.

5. Advocate On Your Platforms

Spread the word in your community! Just like you share your favorite products, share your favorite sustainable practices to encourage others - because each one teach one.

6. Consider Sustainable Fashion

Of course, everyone wants to participate in the latest fashion trends, at reasonable costs! We get it and we also love getting a bang for our buck.

The fast fashion industry and it's many factories has been a booming industry in the past decade, but at great cost to the planet. One of the main concerns of fast fashion is the excessive water usage. For example, it takes approximately 10,000 liters of water to produce one kilogram of cotton. Not to mention textile dyeing, which uses toxic chemicals that end up in our oceans. About 20% of the wastewater worldwide is due to this process. Unfortunately, in many instances this wastewater cannot be treated and the chemicals are extremely harmful to us and the ocean wildlife.

Not to mention, plastic microfibers entering our oceans. To reduce cost, fast fashion companies use synthetic/low quality materials, like polyester, which are made up of plastic microfibers and have been shown to release more carbon emissions into the environment than cotton.

A few helpful solutions here are to try sustainable clothing brands, try thrifting and/or limit the excessive consumption of clothing (save your coins!).

Sustainable clothing uses fabrics like hemp, organic cotton and pima cotton, which have less of a negative impact on the planet. And unlike 10 years ago, today sustainable clothing brands are easier to find with a simple internet search!

7. Vote - it's simple

If you have the ability to vote where you live, do it. One of the best ways to create long term change is to get involved in your community at the national level. Vote for elected officials who prioritize environmental causes. Furthermore, use your voice to encourage these elected officials to pass stronger policies to limit greenhouse gasses, protect the wildlife and fight climate change. Attend the events, stay up to date with community alerts and use your voice however you can.

8. Drive Less or Drive Green

The car is convenient - absolutely. But we can be mindful about our driving habits.

In the United States alone, the transportation sector is responsible for approximately one third of the country's climate damaging emissions. Our cars have caused greenhouse gas pollution, smog, soot and other harmful air pollution. If you're able to, perhaps think of alternative means of transportation. On some days - try biking, walking, taking public transportation or even car pooling with friends and neighbors.

It's also important to keep your car in shape with regular tune-ups to increase your fuel efficiency.

9. Hold Your Favorite Companies Accountable

Think about the Companies you are supporting and hold them accountable to their social responsibility of protecting the environment we all share. Get curious about the sustainable practices they implement and if there are none - spend your bucks with a Company that prioritizes the Earth. If there's one thing about the 21st century, we are definitely not short on options and alternatives. There are many things we can do to make small changes to our habits. If a Company has no sustainable practice in place, it is safe to assume that they simply don't care. Whether it's recycling, water/energy conservation or chemical management -there is always something we can do.

10. Eat Less Meat

The production of meat is one of the biggest contributors of climate change.

By clearing forests, we are destroying habitats and using toxic pesticides to grow animal food. This is also killing our wildlife, in many cases even causing extinction of thousands of species. Furthermore, when forests are destroyed to produce meat, large amounts of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, accelerating global warming. The impact is roughly equivalent to all the driving of every car, truck and airplane in the world. Can you imagine that?

By eating less meat, we can help to reduce the impact the meat industry has on the Earth.

These are only a few sustainable options but there is always room for growth.

We hope your practices continue to grow - happy earth day! 🌎

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